This beautifully illustrated book tells the important story of the American cotton farmer, his daily life and struggles, and the cotton he grows and sells. Readers will be introduced to high-tech, agile growers, both men and women, who operate ‘smart farms’ and produce the world’s finest cotton. Quilters are the single most passionate consumers of 100-percent cotton fabric, and this book explains how and where American textiles were made in the first-half of the 20th century, as well the many ways women shopped for their beloved fabric. Cotton batting, the stuff stuck in the middle of quilts, is a critical element of quiltmaking and the author has gone inside today’s mills to explain how millions of pounds of American cotton are made into batting. Finally, the book explores the efforts of a few intrepid individuals and forward-thinking companies who are determined to bring back 100-percent cotton fabric that is both grown, and manufactured, in the U.S.