Full list of lectures and keynote presentations in 2022.
Jan. 5 – Santa Monica Quilt Guild. Santa Monica, CA. Topic:
Native American Quilt Stories: 150 Years of Sewing and Survival.
Jan. 11 – Quilter’s Guild of Arlington. Arlington, TX.
Topic: Native American Quilt Stories: 150 Years of Sewing and Survival
Jan. 13 – Heartstring Quilters Guild. Bala Cywnwyd,
Pennsylvania. Topic: Quilts, Cotton & Indigo from Japan.
Jan. 18 – Vienna Quilters Unlimited. Vienna, VA. Topic:
Japan’s Quilt History
Feb. 10 – Quilter’s Guild of East Texas. Topic: Big Love:
Texas Quilts and Cotton.
Feb. 17 – Quiltcon Phoenix. Topic: Hello Modern Art. Meet
Antique Quilts.
Feb. 19 – Quiltcon Phoenix. Joint lecture with Sara Trail.
Topic: Activist Art: The Social Justice Sewing Academy Remembrance Project.
Mar. 5 – NY Metromod Quilters Guild. New York, NY. Topic:
Japan’s Quilt History.
Mar. 8 – Towpath Quilt Guild. Syracuse, NY. Topic: Japan’s
Quilt History.
Mar. 10 – Quilter’s Guild of Plano. Plano, Texas. Topic:
Hello Modern Art. Meet Antique Quilts.
Mar. 15 – Denton Quilt Guild, Denton, Texas. Topic: Native
American Quilt Stories: 150 Years of Sewing and Survival
Mar. 16 – Peoria Riverfront Museum, Peoria, IL. Topic:
Hello Modern Art. Meet Antique Quilts. In conjunction with exhibition of quilts
from Ken Burns Collection. Online Zoom – open to public.
May 31 – Visions Art Museum. San Diego, California. Topic:
Hello Modern Art. Meet Antique Quilts. OPEN TO PUBLIC 11 AM
June 6 – Tall Pines Quilt Guild, Huntsville, TX. Topic:
Native American Quilt Stories: 150 Years of Sewing and Survival.
June 13 – University United Methodist Church Quilt Guild.
San Antonio, Texas. Topic: American Cotton: Farm to Quilt.
June 16 – Quaking Aspen Quilt Guild. Golden, Colorado.
Topic: Japan 2.0: The Next Gen Quilters.
June 26 – Cambridge Modern Quilt Guild. Cambridge, MA.
Topic: American Cotton: Farm to Quilt.
July 11 – Smoky Mountain Quilters Guild of Western North
Carolina. Topic: Native American Quilt Stories: 150 Years of Sewing &
July 28 – Orange County Modern Quilt Guild. Orange Cty, CA.
Topic: Hello Modern Art. Meet Antique Quilts.
Sept. 8 – Cibolo Creek Quilters Guild. Boerne, Texas.
Topic: Hello Modern Art. Meet Antique Quilts.
Sept. 20 – Boundary Bay Quilters’ Guild. Delta, British
Columbia, Canada. Indigenous North American Quilts: 150 Years of Sewing and
Oct. 11 – Arlington Quilters Guild, Arlington, Texas.
Topic: Hello Modern Art. Meet Antique Quilts.
Oct. 17 – Hill Country Quilt Guild. Kerrville, Texas.
Topic: Farm to Quilt: American Cotton. In person lecture.
Oct. 29 – Arizona Quilt Study Group. Statewide. Topic:
Native American Quilt Stories: 150 Years of Sewing and Survival
Convention Center, Houston, TX. Topic: Native American Quilt Stories: 150 Years
of Sewing and Survival
Nov. 8 – Capital District MQG. Delmar, NY. Topic: Hello
Modern Art. Meet Antique Quilts.